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S.A.M. Al Baker Assembly #35 Newsletter ~ January 2024

🥂🥂🎉🎉🎉 Happy New Year 🎉🎉🎉🥂🥂

President's words

Happy New Year! I hope you received all the magical toys and effects that you wanted. This month we want to see all the effects you're working on, including those items that you may have just started playing with. I'll be teaching the THICK card, showing how to make it as well as possible uses (something I learned from watching V1.2). It was also invented by a gentleman by the name of Al Baker - yup - that Al Baker that our club is named after. So bring your works in progress, and let's schmooze and mingle! As usual we'll be eating dinner at 6 if you want to partake. See you on January 9th!

Dr. Joel "Batman" Zaritsky
Society of American Magicians Past National President


Last Month

Our evening's lecture was presented tonight by Mr. Marc Desouza. He began with his version of multiplying billiard balls, explaining why the magic wand was invented. Manny and Ben then helped with Cards Across, utilizing the Gambler's Cop move. The next effect was a prediction with Jackie, Joel and Ariel adding numerical information into Marc's phone, culminating with the same number as the prediction. Kamil and Gale then helped with Marc's version of Karl Fulves' Gemini Twins.

Marc then showed us a trick that he came up with for children when he was doing Zoom shows, using rubber ducks. Which is entertaining for adults as well. He talked about the book Expert at the Card Table, adding insight into sleight of hand versus psychological subtleties.

The 2nd half began with Marc performing his beautiful Linking Rings routine, explaining how he came to acquire the rings with which he uses. Manny and Ben were up again helping with sponge balls. Glenn assisted with a copper, silver, brass coin effect. That was followed by the Egg Bag. From cards to coins, rings and things, with stuff in between, a plethora of prestidigitation was presented to all. Thank you so much Marc, for ending our year in such style.

Darryl Bielski


Sudhir Desai

Secretary, Al Baker Assembly #35

S.A.M. Assembly #35 Officers:

President: Dr. Joel "Batman" Zaritsky

Vice President: Ryan Dutcher

Treasurer: Frank Monaco

Secretary: Sudhir Desai

Scribe: Darryl Bielski