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S.A.M. Al Baker Assembly #35 Newsletter ~ January 2023


S.A.M. Al Baker Assembly #35 Newsletter

January 2023

President’s Words

Happy New Year! I’m so happy you all came out to the amazing flea market in December - a lot of magic (and money) changed hands.  This month, on Tuesday January 10th, we’ll be having a lecturer S. Patrick Toman on mentalism for both adults and children!  The meeting will start at 7:30 pm, but as per usual we’ll be getting together for dinner at 6 pm. See you on the 10th!




Dr. Joel “Batman” Zaritsky

President, Al Baker Assembly #35

Society of American Magicians Past National President

This Month

Tuesday, January 10th 7:30 p.m.

at Milanese Italian Restaurant 115 Main St, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Mentalism for adults and children

Presented by Pennsylvania magician S. Patrick Toman. Free for paid up members.  $15 for non-members.

Last Meeting - Holiday gathering featuring magic flea market and a dealer’s demo

Future Meeting Dates and tentative programs

February ~ Travel cases for magic

March ~ Lecture by Michael Kaminskas - 

V1.2 Workshops trick spotlight

Automatic Ace Triumph trick from V1.2 episode - Self Working Card Tricks Part 1

News and Info from our members (Local Shows, Items for Sale, etc.) 

Let us know what you’re up to and we’ll post it here.

Assembly Dues:  $35 September - August

Please see Frank Monaco to pay your annual Assembly dues with cash or check made out to “Al Baker Assembly #35”.

Do you know someone interested in magic?

Let them know there is MAGIC in Poughkeepsie!  Use the sharing buttons at the bottom of the Assembly newsletter blog site to share the news:

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S.A.M. Assembly #35 Officers:

President: Dr. Joel “Batman” Zaritsky

Vice President: Ryan Dutcher

Treasurer: Frank Monaco


Scribe: Darryl Bielski