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S.A.M. Al Baker Assembly #35 Newsletter ~ March 2022

S.A.M. Al Baker Assembly #35 Newsletter

March 2022


President's Words ~ Write on Que


Hello Everyone, 


Time is flying by FAST!  I thought I just wrote a newsletter and here it is time to write one again.


So, this month; you're on your way to a show, you stop for a milkshake and walk into Stewart's, while the girl is making it, someone reaches into your car and takes your suitcase full of magic!  Now you're 15 minutes away from the show, what do you do without your props?  There is a dollar store across the street.  What can you buy there and put together in the next 15 minutes to go on with the show?  If you don't think this could happen, ask Jeff McBride.  His van got stolen in Boston with his entire show and this is what he had to do.  So, let's see you put on your thinking caps and create a show from the dollar store!  We will have some cool S.A.M. prizes for everyone who has an act.


We'll be at the Milanese Restaurant from 5:30 - 6:00 for dinner - you're welcome to join us.  Meeting at 7:30 Milanese Restaurant Main Street Poughkeepsie. 


P.S.  Joel and Nadine will have S.A.M. swag for sale.


Joe Que 

President, Al Baker Assembly #35


This Month

Tuesday, March 8th 7:30 p.m.

at Milanese Italian Restaurant 115 Main St, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Dollar Store Magic Show.  What can you find at the local dollar store that you can do in a show aka "The ultimate commando show".


Last Meeting

Birthday celebration and magic camaraderie.


Next Meeting

T.B.A. - Let us know what you would like to see at an upcoming meeting or if you would like to lead a meeting.


News and Info from our members (Local Shows, Items for Sale, etc) 

Do you have an announcement to make to our members of our magic community?  Email it to us and we'll include it there!


Get listed on the Assembly Newsletter Member Profiles Page

To add your S.A.M. Profile to the Assembly #35 Newsletter Member Profiles Page, fill in and submit your information HERE.


Assembly Dues:  $35 September - August

Please see Frank Monaco to pay your annual Assembly dues with cash or check made out to "Al Baker Assembly #35".


S.A.M. Assembly #35 Officers:

President: Joe Quitoni

Vice President: Ryan Dutcher

Secretary/Treasurer: Frank Monaco

Scribe: Darryl Bielski